Thursday, January 22, 2009

OUR CALL.... ANSWERED: Washington DC Day 5

The day started early, 5:45 AM. There was an anticipation and sense of hope all around the room while we hurried around getting ready so that we could catch our 7:00 bus. We made it out with time to spare and rode the bus to the West Falls Church Metro Station. We poked our heads around the door and our eyes widened as we saw how many people were trying to push their way through the gates at one time...... it was almost comical. We took a deep breath, linked arms with our buddies, and went head first into the sea of people. We made it through, amazingly, got onto our train, and within the ext 45 minutes, an impossible amount of people crammed their way onto that would have been funny if it hadn't been so hot and crowded. We made three friends, a man from Rhode Island who worked for the IRS and a couple from LA who were just as shocked by the cold as we were. To lighten up the mood, and in the spirit of the Inauguration of Barack Obama, we got the entire train car to join in while we sang Lean on Me, America the Beautiful and the National Anthem. It was a beautiful way to start the day and it really generated the feeling of unity and hope. We waved goodbye to our new found friends as we pushed our way through the crowds at Federal Triangle. 

I looked up and my eyes were met with the first sunny day of the week. I thought that it couldn't have been any more perfect, considering that Obama really is the light that our country needs. The sun was literally rising out from behind a single cloud, it could not have worked out better. We walked to the Washington Monument where we met up with John, Richard and Erin to find out where we were all going to view the Inauguration. I was told that I would be watching from the rooftop of the Jones Day law firm joined by Christian, Harrison, Austin, Erin and Richard. We headed off only to be met by hundreds of thousands of people coming the opposite direction. As we gazed up the hill, it almost looked like there was water rushing down the streets there were so many people. We wove our way through them, and although it took a while, we finally made it to Jones Day. The roof was not what I expected. There was a catering company there, tents, heaters, and lots of other people. Inside, there was a TV screen where we could watch what was happening down below because although the building is close to the Capitol, it wasn't close enough to see what was going on. CBS was doing its coverage of the Inauguration right above us, so CBS was on on the screen. We all gathered round to watch as the oaths were taken and the second that Barack finished his and was Mr. President, everyone in the room jumped up and shouted, hugged each other, cried and laughed. That moment I felt something so strong, it was unlike anything I had every felt before. There were tears streaming down my face, I was laughing I honestly didn't know what to do. I was so happy that I was able to witness that point in history, not to mention have it happen in my lifetime. I think that for that one moment, the whole country (or most of it) was joined in hope and that, is priceless. 

After the Inaugural ceremonies, Austin and I got into the elevator to try and find Christian and Harrison who had disappeared. As the doors were closing we heard someone say, " That was Jesse Jackson." We looked at each other and as soon as we got back up to Erin and Richard we told them. Then, looking to the screen we saw him sitting with Katie Couric talking about the Inauguration. We decided that we would ambush him on his way down....... in a gentle, loving way. We did, and he gave us a fabulous interview. He was just the right person for us to interview and I am sooo glad we did. 

When the camera was packed up, we decided to go back to the Mandarin where everyone else was celebrating. We got there, with frozen noses and frozen toses, and all shared our stories of the day. Then exhausted, we piled into Richard's car to go back to Falls Church. We should be in the circus, seriously. We were able to fit 13 people into 7 seats. When we finally did get back to the church we were exhausted and lay down to watch the Lords of Dogtown with BCP

This was a day that I will never, ever forget. It is burned into my brain and I am so so very grateful that I was able to take part in such a historical and incredible event. America, we have come a long way. 

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