Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Just a few short hours....

It's hard to believe that in about eighteen hours the teen press will be in a terminal in LAX, waiting to board a plane bound for Washington DC. John first presented us with the possibility of going to the Inauguration about two and a half months ago. Eliana and I were driving back with John from one of our weekly Friday morning swims, and he said "Guess what is on January 20?" Neither of us knew, and we told him. He replied by telling us that it was the Inauguration of Barack Obama and asked us if we knew who would be there. We thought a moment, and as soon as we saw the smile on his face we shouted in unison " The Teen Press?!?!?!?!?!?!". Calmly, he told us "maybe." From then until now, it has been non stop planning, calling, emailing, hoping, and now, it has finally paid off. I am excited beyond words, and so grateful for the opportunity. Thank you to everyone who helped us get this far! Wish us luck!


  1. This is such an inspiring blog, well done!

  2. Thank you Sophia for inspiring teenagers around the globe to get out and do something with their lives. You've certainly inspired me. Love always your #1 fan, Eliana.

  3. I am so proud of you! I can't wait to hear more. Kiss Barack for me!
    love, yo mama
